Rudolf Steiner victim forces of the etheric body, to create a wrapper around that spiritual dornahskiya hill, which in antiquity was all true mystery surrounding areas. The shell is supposed to serve as a vessel for higher spiritual impulses that descend and place to become a center for spiritual life of the entire Western humanity. Goetheanum was a living being, consisting of physical and etheric bodies.
Steiner, founder of anthroposophy .
Anthroposophy came into the twentieth century as a language to communicate with the etheric Christ and Master appearances Holy Spirit who can lead us to the deepest experience of Christ, as I am of the entire cosmos , as the self of God. Anyone who calls himself anthroposophist or follower of the Master , it must clearly be aware that anything given by them is directed towards a great goal to one focus - Christ. If the main course , everything finds its place and the picture becomes clear. Then we will fulfill the main task for anthroposophy and generally facing humanity today - joining with intellectual spiritual . It will be decided primarily by the activity of three
personality: Christian Rosenkreutz , Rudolf Steiner and the future Buddha Maitreya . Occult basis for this connection was laid long ago when Christian Rosenkreutz behind Western European esoteric Christianity , sent in 1604 Gautama Buddha on Mars to protect humankind from splitting into two races - only intellectual and spiritual only .
Again from Christian Rosenkreutz and Rudolf Steiner received task paves the way for the Christianization of science, art and religion , so that the Spirit works through them. And did magnificently : Gyoteanizma in science, eurhythmy , drama , etc. in art, religion Christian community . Inspired by the life source of anthroposophy , being Anthropos Sofia , Steiner boost in almost all spheres of life in such a way that they manifest all the power of white magic . When the priest in the Christian community by becoming given by Steiner words bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ , it is a manifestation of the true divine magic - the highest, possible on Earth. This is the new Eucharist !
Rudolf Steiner up in me the whole cultural and historical experience of mankind , and pass through the actual baptism with the Spirit and fire in the heavenly world to return it then humanity committed thus the first step towards genuine Christianization of the whole Earth culture. In this sense it appears to us as a great representative of the Rosicrucian occult tradition , but updated and raised it to an even higher level , starting from the impulse of the new zeitgeist .
Relationship with Bulgaria >>.>
Maybe you've heard of the Rosicrucians. Then you know that they are brothers in misfortune Bogumil. And we both were persecuted for their Christian beliefs. They have no external religious belief, and ruled mystical experience of God as the first apostles. General mass religion founded by Peter. Paul was not the 12's, but have seen the risen Christ to Damascus and became a fierce opponent of his most faithful defender. Since it went Mystery Schools, which retains the magical power of faith.
There he developed the secret knowledge while outside the church denied reincarnation and rewrote the scriptures . So faith split into dogmatic and occult whose followers were burned at the stake as witches . Both directions survived until today. Representatives of the second are the Manicheans and Bogomils whether Western European Cathars , Albigenses and Rosicrucians . They inspired the great Renaissance , while Bulgaria is buried under slavery. Should the two currents
unite , or will last only one - time will tell , but especially the fruits that come from them. Anthroposophy true followers of the medieval Rosicrucians today as some scientists claim that they have their followers .
Rudolf Steiner
His is not you tell us nor in the "higher " nor in " lower " schools - why? For the same reason for which we do not know in full force this applies to Nikola Tesla . (at least his name was changed " a la Steiner ," and it
" Tesla " - no comment) . Digressing , but in this column of "forgotten - unknown" is also John Vincent Atanasoff - son of bulgarian immigrant from Yambol and proven in the U.S. ( ex post ) the inventor of the world's first ' computing machine '( in English "computer").
You should be proud or ashamed of what ? Neither one nor the other - these are wrong " frames ."
Just do not forget who is who , and is nice to remind everyone around us who are concerned .
List of references :
Essay Violeta Gurnakova
Steiner , Rudolf . The man in the light of occultism , theosophy and philosophy
Steiner , Rudolf . collected Works
Electronic Journal LiterNet, 14.11.2007, № 11 (96)
Website of antoposofskoto society in Bulgaria