
before 542 to 251 million years



251-199.6 million years ago



199.6-145.5 million years ago



145.5-65.5 million years ago



65.5-23.03 million years ago

The Eocene

56 to 33.9 million years ago, the second epoch of the Paleogene Period.



23.03-2.588 million years ago



before 2.588 ± 0.005 million years ago

An amateur palaeontologist discovered the 'new' fossil, which is half of a humerus, in Monmouth County, New Jersey in 2012

It matched the other half of a fossil that was discovered 162 years previously and has been kept at Drexel University, in Philadelphia

Until 2012 the 'first' half of the fossil was the only type specimen of the genus and species - Atlantochelys mortoni - an ancient sea turtle

The turtle lived between 70 million and 75 million years ago and measured over 10ft long. It is thought to have resembled a modern loggerhead turtle

Turtle rock

" In the Rhodopes are stone temples and observatories inhabited by an ancient civilization that inhabited our land before the Thracians. This civilization was amazing with metallurgical skills and knowledge of astronomy .


Turtles are amazing rock near the village Kirovskaya Fotinovo . 


Reign of old Thracian peninsula covering both - 

Balkan and Asia Minor, comb Tabor Planned 

us to the shores of the Adriatic Sea, and from the tops of Kar-

Patil to the last waterfall of the Nile Delta over.


Някога те били три сестри : 

 Една доведена, една заварена и третата природена. Много се карали 

сестрите, защото всяка се имала за по-хубава, по-работна и по-добра от другите. Нямало мира в техния дом. От майчина и бащина клетва те се претворили на реки. Но и тогава не мирясали: започнали да се препират коя от тях е най-бърза.

Веднъж, като се карали доста време, решили да преспят в Одрин и на заранта, ако някоя първа подрани и се събуди, да повика и другите, та да се надпреварват - която първа достигне морето, другите две да я признаят за най-бърза.

Наговорили се и легнали да спят. Но дяволитата най-малка сестра Тунджа не стояла на думата си, ами цяла нощ не мигнала. И още не били пропели първи петли, не били зазорили белите зори, когато тя тихо скокнала и без да се обади на двете по-големи сестри, бързо поела из пътя си. След доста време петлите закукуригали, зазорило се небето и Арда се събудила, разтрила сънливите си очи и като видяла, че Тунджа я няма, че е престъпила уговорката и ги е излъгала, ядно извикала на спящата Марица

- Марице, сестро най-стара, стани да видиш какво се е случило!

Събудила се Марица, озърнала се, разтревожила се. Двете с Арда започнали люто да кълнат най-малката си сестра:

- Да даде господ, Тунджо ле, да течеш и да лъкатушиш, да пробиваш горите и планините и на нас път да отваряш!

После скочили и хукнали по дирята на бежанката и по проправения от нея път, лесно я стигнали и задминали. Накрая се събрали и трите на едно място и потекли като една река чак до морето. И кой знае защо, тия три реки след Одрин взели името на най-сънливата, на Марица.

В действителност трите реки се събират на юг при Одрин продължават на юг към Егейско море.

Tundzha River springs from the central part of the Balkans. In particular from the picturesque peak called Yurushka Gramada located in Kaloferska Mountains east of Mount Botev.Old name of the river is Tonzus name of the Thracian god of rivers.The length of Tunja is 390 km. Tundzha River is the largest tributary of the Maritsa River. Flows into it on Turkish territory at Odrin.

 Odrin (Edirne) one of the oldest settlements in the Balkans . The first name given by the Thracians-Odrysaeans was Uskudama.

 Uskudama City , is a derivative of a Thracian word - "usku" meaning water, water, marshy. City Uskudama translated into semantically as "city (home) around the water" because of the close proximity of the Maritsa and the location of the confluence of the river Tundzha with Maritsa.

Yurushka Gramada (Yurushka Hammer) is a peak in the Central Stara Planina, east of Mount Paradjika. Highest is 2136 m

Geological development of the Balkan Mountains is associated with the formation of the Eocene Stara Planina geosynclines. 

Stara Planina is complex convoluted - the thrust structure. As part of Balkanides she has been subjected to Alpine folding began in Triassic and ended in the Paleogene.

Arda River is located in southern Bulgaria and passes in Greece. The river flows from the mountains and the Rhodope Mountains is over 270 km long. Over two hundred and forty of them are located on the territory of Bulgaria. Arda River flows into the Maritsa River. Arda River springs from Ardin peak, which rises to a height of 1730 meters. Arda is the largest and deepest Rhodope River.

The Rhodopes are part of the old road passed through various stages of development. In geological terms the Eastern Rhodopes are constructed from the East syncline to the north and the East anticline south. North dominated pre-Paleozoic and Paleozoic metamorphic rocks. Oldest geological structures and rocks are strongly influenced and largely transformed during the neotectonic stage of relief (Neogene-Quaternary).

Maritsa River springs from the Rila Marichini Lakes ( Great Twin Peak ) . The road crosses through the Upper Valley . Maritsa River flows into the northeast Aegean ( Aegean Sea) near the Turkish city of Enos, as the majority of the delta remains in Greek territory near the towns of Alexandroupolis Didimotiho.Its total length is 472 km . Maritsa is one of the great rivers of antiquity . Mentioned as a symbol of Thrace in the earliest written sources before 2700 years . Typically used Evros name . Some scientists believe that this Evros its name to the continent of Europe . Maritsa , symbolized by the river god Hebros.

Twins are two adjacent conical peak of the Musala Ridge in Maritsa East share of Rila - Big Twin (2779 m) and Little Twin (2772 m). Are separated by a saddle. Towering over the circus of Marichini lakes. Constructed of granite.

Rila Mountain is part of Zapadnorodopski anticlinal structure. Built of granite pluton with Hercynian age that is embedded between the pre-Paleozoic and Paleozoic metamorphic mantle.

Over the centuries, the waters of the Maritsa have been widely used for sailing. Today, however, the conditions are not particularly well suited for larger vessels.

The oldest city in Europe proved that he was and port.

Part of a real merchant ship is revealed to Tell Yunatsite near Pazardzhik . This was announced by the head of the excavations Prof. Yavor Boyadziev . In this land there was extensive trade nearly 7000 years, said the archaeologist .


"In the last two days digging in the center of Protograd in depth and width , and it turned out that there is a whole area to residential buildings, which was an industrial zone ," said the archaeologist . There were no furnaces and workshops similar to parts of modern factories. It is in that area archaeologist and his team encountered a shipyard. According to him, it definitely shows that seven millennia ago and Maritsa rivers Topolnitsa were huge and going through them was on trade and industrial activity thrived and civilized way of life.


In the niches of 6700 years also first discovered so far a total of 11 Mediterranean bracelets that were extremely valuable to protohorata and are made of seashells , added Prof. Boyadziev news . Unique was that the bracelets were found in a concentration of only 10 meters. The news that the site is found the first book in the world, is increasingly proving as now found tiles and bottoms appliances fragments combination of proto-writing .

In the southeastern corner of the prefecture of Evros border with Turkey , the Maritsa river

( Evros ) form a rich delta, a wetland of international importance , a total area of 200 sq. km.

The wide variety of plant species in Delta compose various mosaics. The presence of rare plant and animal species of the area due to the impact of wetlands due to its advantageous geographical position.


Greater the number of birds using the wetland to stay during your migration from Europe to Africa and back.

Shapladere is a site at the mouth of the river Maritsa in Thrace, where once was located the ancient Thracian city. Ancient carvings found here dated in V century BC. and on it is the earliest image of a car in Thrace.

Plate of Shapladere part of a larger composition, which is a funeral procession on the way to the world beyond.

Tomb of a wealthy aristocrat Odryssian extremely profligate funeral ritual. Mound Karanovo village.

city Didimotiho

History of the city began in the Neolithic period. Later, on top of, was founded by the Thracian village.


Town on the northern coast of the Aegean Sea a few kilometers west of the mouth of the river Maritsa ( Evros ) .

In the southeastern corner of Thrace inhabited by humans as early as the Neolithic period (4500-3000 BC ) .

During the Bronze Age (3000-1050 BC ) is the abode Civilizations Aegean ( Cycladic , Minoan , Mycenaean ) .

The last phase of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age ( 1050-650 BC) shows various Thracian tribes.

The area of Alexandroupolis is inhabited by Kikonite . Kikonite is a Thracian tribe that inhabited the area between the Mesta and Maritsa .

Coastal waters and territorial sea of the Aegean are the indented coastline of the Balkan Peninsula. North of Crete, between the Cretan Sea, the Balkans and Asia Minor are numerous islands that geographically belong to the continent of Europe and in particular on the Balkan Peninsula. They form three major island groups. 

First - Cyclades 

The second group are the Southern Sporades Islands. 

The third group of islands lying to the north of the island of Euboea are Northern Sporades.

Samothrace is an island in Greece in the northeastern Aegean Sea. It is located between the islands of Limnos and Thassos Imroz , a distance of 24 nautical miles from Alexandroupolis . The terrain is mountainous, with the highest point - 1586 m built of metamorphic rocks - gneisses , amphibolites , marbles . The island's name translates as " high Thrace ." In ancient times the island was inhabited by Thracian people, and hence its name. Samothrace is located in the prefecture of Evros .

In Samothrace is the Sanctuary of the Great Gods . There were held and mystery similar to the mysteries of Eleusis .


Stone inscription of the fourth century BC Thracian settlements on the island of Samothrace.

There is an ancient Thracian-Pelasgian alphabet. Sicilian writer Diodorus tells us that in the 4th century BC Thracian language still used in religious ceremonies and the prophets of samotrakiyskite Kabiri.

It is believed that these deities and their cults are Thracian-Pelasgian origin. Kabiri are perceived as divine protectors of sailors.


Fifth largest Greek island is only eight kilometers from the Turkish coast. 6000 BC, and even more distant in time in which they were born the Greek heroes. According to some legends of Chios arrive Theseus and Ariadne, traveling from Crete and began planting vines and producing the famous wine of Chios.

Ariadne (Greek : Αριάδνη), in Greek mythology , was the daughter of King Minos and Pasiphae . It is connected as the battle between Theseus and the Minotaur , and with Dionysus ( Thracian god ) .

 " Chios " comes from " Chiona ."

1.Chiona e daughter of the river god Nile and Mermen Callirrhoe .

2.Evmolp legendary Thracian king , the son of Poseidon and Chiona that to conceal the transgression of his father struggled threw the child into the sea , but Poseidon saved him and brought in Ethiopia

( Apollodorus , III 15 , 4) , which is cared for by his daughter Bentesikyume .

In 1000 BC Ionians came to the island .

Ionians were one of the main groups of Greek tribes in ancient Greece. Penetrate about 1600 BC in Central Greece ( Attica with later Athens and Evia ) , west coast of Asia Minor and the Aegean Islands . Greek tribes arrived before the proto- Greeks to which mainly belong to the Thracians.

Rhodes - island with the name of rose

This is an ancient trading center, turn to all sides of the Mediterranean. During the Neolithic (VII - V millennium BC.) Rhodes began playing the role of the post where the Asia Minor agricultural civilizations, seeking connections with other large and small islands Aegean.The first artifacts of the Minoans found here date back to 2200-2000 BC. Disclosed is a rich Mycenaean necropolis. There are about 150 tombs excavated most of them are chambers of stone. In one of the graves was found Egyptian scarab (beetle type of gemstone, semiprecious and clay). The hieroglyphs on it shows that it belongs to the Pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty Amenhotep (Amenophis) III (1410-1370 BC).

Telhini - hieratic family of the Pelasgian origin of the island of Rhodes. Skilled in the extraction and processing of metals, the first statues of the gods. 

Minoans and Mycenaeans used are typical of late Bronze Age archaic Bulgarian dialects protolanguage

Smolyan museum guard-figure of the sacred scarab of the Egyptians. Painted on his back hieroglyphs show that the Egyptians were here 4000 years ago. The name of the Pharaoh - Montuhotep IV, who sent an expedition to Thrace.

Egyptian god Bes, honored in the land of the Thracians

Bulgarians Thracians (Pelasgians) and indigenous peoples of the Balkans and the Black Sea (Azov region) where they lived before the Black Sea (biblical) flood 4600 BC and where they "scattered" after him around the world - to the north and west, Siberia and the Far East, Altai and Pamir, Mesopotamia and Egypt and elsewhere.

Greece is inhabited by other peoples long before the Greeks to occur in Europe. Herodotus [3] II-56 Strabo [4] V-2.4, VII. 7.1 Pausanias [5] VIII-1.4, Pliny [6] IV.III. 8-IV, IV. V. 19-vi, IV, VII. 27-viii-29 Ефор and Hesiod (quoted by Strabo) [4] V-2.4 are in agreement on this issue. As the ancient Greek settlers defined Thracians and Pelasgians. Greeks old authors say that they came from Africa. Herodotus [3] VI-53 Strabo [4] VII-7-1 and Pliny [6] VII-LVI-195.





DANAYTSITE (Greece) from Africa - Egypt

 Strabo , Geography - Vol. 7-7 , verse 1 - Danay led his people out of Egypt

 According to Greek mythology Danay all comes from Africa.

And mythological pedigree of Danay is related to Africa.

- His mother Anhinoya called " daughter of the Nile "

- His brother named Egypt

- Their father Bell settled in Libya , and the Egyptians - in Arabia .

- Father Danay - Bell mythical king of Egypt.

- Father of the Bell - Epaf also mythical king of Egypt , and his mother Memfida legend named Egyptian city Memphis.


Genetic testing of various scientists proved that Greeks are related to Africans .

American scientists have discovered the remains of a previously unknown pharaoh who told Senebkey, news agency France-Presse. He drove a 3700 years ago. The sarcophagus and the wall of his tomb in the Egyptian city of Abydos was discovered royal ornament with his name. This proves that part of Egypt was attacked by a group called the Hyksos.



" Our people came to Egypt , many tens of thousands of them, and has put local residents. (...) Later there was our king named Timas in time when God is angry with our people and then somehow and barbarians from the East suddenly invaded by an expedition in our country and then obeyed by force , but without a great and decisive battle . (...)

These barbarians were called Hyksos ie king-priest - shepherds, because the first syllable " Heck "

means of Sacred Speech - King and Priest , and " sauce " is a shepherd , but the common dialect. (...)

They settled in Memphis and Upper and Lower Egypt were paid tax their garrisons and mainly controlled areas of the country , as they were pleased as were later expelled from Tutmosis . (...)

Tell el-Dab'a is the modern name of the capital city for the Hyksos in the Nile delta region of Egypt called Avaris. Avaris was occupied by the Asiatics from the end of the 12th through the 13th dynasty (early second millennium BC). The site is known primarily for its Minoan frescos.


Memphis became the capital of Ancient Egypt for over eight consecutive dynasties during the Old Kingdom. The city reached a peak of prestige under the 6th dynasty as a centre for the worship of Ptah, the god of creation and artworks. The alabaster sphinx that guards the Temple of Ptah serves as a memorial of the city's former power and prestige. The Memphis triad, consisting of the creator god Ptah, his consort Sekhmet, and their son Nefertem, formed the main focus of worship in the city.The legend recorded by Manetho was that Menes, the first pharaoh to unite the Two Lands, established his capital on the banks of the Nile by diverting the river with dikes. The Greek historian Herodotus, who tells a similar story, relates that during his visit to the city, the Persians, at that point the suzerains of the country, paid particular attention to the condition of these dams so that the city was saved from the annual flooding. Herodotus dates the founding of the city at around 3100 BC, over 2500 years prior to his visit.

The Nile Delta is the delta formed in Northern Egypt (Lower Egypt) where the Nile River spreads out and drains into the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the world's largest river deltas—from Alexandriain the west to Port Said in the east, it covers 240 kilometres (150 mi) of Mediterranean coastline—and is a rich agriculturalregion.

Herodotus world map


The Nile (Arabic: النيل, Eg. En-Nīl, Std. An-Nīl; Coptic: ⲫ ⲓ ⲁ ⲣ ⲱ, P (h) iaro; Ancient Egyptian: Ḥ'pī and Iteru) is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world. [2] It is 6,853 km (4,258 miles) long.

The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile. The White Nile is considered to be the headwaters and primary stream of the Nile itself. The Blue Nile, however, is the source of most of the water and fertile soil. The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source still undetermined but located in either Rwanda or Burundi. It flows north through Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Uganda and South Sudan. The Blue Nile begins at Lake Tana in Ethiopia and flows into Sudan from the southeast. The two rivers meet near the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.

Beginning of the Blue Nile is Lake Tana. From this it flows south and makes a wide turn about 100 km. north of the Addis to be directed to the northwest and merges with the White Nile at Khartoum. Water is next begans 2000-meter Ethiopian plateau and kilometer fallen down.

Lake Tana, or Tsana Dembeya is located in the northwestern part of Ethiopia, North Africa, the Abyssinian plateau. The lake is 1830 meters above sea level and has an area of 2156 km2. Its length is 76 km, is 71 km wide, deep - 72 meters has tectonic-volcanic origin.

Ethiopian Highlands

The Ethiopian Highlands began to rise 75 million years ago[citation needed], as magma from the Earth's mantle uplifted a broad dome of the ancient rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. The opening of the Great



Rift Valley split the dome of the Ethiopian Highlands into three parts; the mountains of the southern Arabian Peninsula are geologically part of the ancient Ethiopian Highlands, separated by the rifting which created the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden and separated Africa from Arabia.


Around 30 million years ago, a flood basalt plateau began to form, piling layers upon layers of voluminous fissure-fed basaltic lava flows. Most of the flows were tholeiitic, save for a thin layer of alkali basalts and minor amounts of felsic (high-silica) volcanic rocks, such as rhyolite. In the waning stages of the flood basalt episode, large explosive caldera-forming eruptions also occurred.



The Ethiopian Highlands were eventually bisected by the Great Rift Valley as the African continental crust pulled apart. This rifting gave rise to large alkaline basalt shield volcanoes beginning about 30–31 million years ago.

Battle of Lake Victoria between tribes and vaganda vovuma (illustration to the book by Henry Stanley in 1878 "In the Dark Continent") 

Victoria local name - Nyanza 

Freshwater lake and is located at 1134 m above sea level. It occupies an area of 68 800 km2, and the length of its coast line during the rainy season is 3 440 km. Its maximum length is 320 km (north-south), and the largest width - 275 km (east-west).

Lake Victoria has a tectonic origin. It is situated on gently sloping terrain tectonic in northern plateau flooded north of old lava flows. Occurred simultaneously with the hollows of lakes Edward and Albert about 750,000 years , breaking the direction of flow of water in the area, which at that time ran into the Congo River . The new system of drainage is turned to the place where it is formed huge prehistoric pond. Ancient lake received outflow of Lake Albert in Murchison Falls formations and on to the system through the Nile River - Victoria Nile. Lake Victoria and lying on the north of Lake Køge remains of this primary reservoir .

Lake Tanganyika alleged source of the Nile 

The lake is located in the western rift of the Great Rift Valley. Its shores are limited by the mountain ranges. It is the largest rift lake in Africa and the second largest on the continent. Lake Tanganyika is the age of 9 to 12 million years ago. It is the oldest in Africa, and probably in the world, formed early Miocene.

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    g1d2 (Tuesday, 22 April 2014 12:04)
